HR IssuesMay 31, 2022

Is my boss a little odd?

Boss suggested I take a class as part of my annual review. I agreed it might be helpful. To be clear, I don’t actually think it will be helpful. It is in a technical area I don’t work in, but whatever. Play the game. I sent the boss a list of possible classes and I asked if it’s what they had in mind. It’s been three weeks. No response. I don’t really want to take it at all, but dropping it seems like giving up, especially when they mentioned today that I should know how to do X task. I’m thinking I will just sign up for the class that looks the most compact and gives a certificate at the end. I can try to expense it. It’s $300. Then I can check off a box on the next review. What do you think? TC: $200 and falling/rising daily Additional Context They don’t have 1-1’s with me unless I press. They show up late for every meeting. Whenever they attend they attend my meetings they add no value or only discuss content they want to, often content from the last meeting that they missed. They take vacations and don’t tell the group. One boss was gone for more than a month. They don’t have group meetings. They dropped a project that took a year of meetings and haven’t mentioned it …. for 6 months…. Yes I have recently signed up for mentoring and yes I have spoken with HR and my skip. Company is fine. Really don’t like boss.

Amazon bry47 May 31, 2022

Switch teams or company

Confluent CFLT->🥜 May 31, 2022

Wtf. Switch companies, your skip is terrible for keeping your boss around

Amazon day_2 May 31, 2022

Mindlessly executing on an ask you disagree with is how you stay a low level ic forever. Align yourself with what your boss is trying to achieve and help him define ways to get there. Better yet, get him on the same page with a strategy that aligns with his boss’s goals. That’s how you get promoted.

Splunk 8,:asr# OP May 31, 2022

I’m actually at a fair highly comp for the type of work I do. I know it’s not the amount you may be used to seeing. But I’m in the 85% for an individual who is not managing people.

Amazon day_2 May 31, 2022

I’m not talking about comp, I’m talking about seniority. Perhaps what you described doesn’t fully represent your mindset, but it does suggest a pretty junior/shortsighted approach.

HNlC Jun 1, 2022

sounds great if you like coasting. but don’t take the class. just nod and move on to the next “action item”