Is the job market for SDE still bad?

I had been submitting multiple job applications but did not get much responses. There are some recruiters who reached out but later said that the application got filled up within 2 weeks. I believe i am getting less responses because I have not been applying through internal referral. Can someone tell me whether their companies are hiring and refer me? #microsoft #engineering #software #swe #tiktok #oracle #ibm #apple #google #nvidia

Discover Financial Services swe76 Apr 15

Same here lol

Microsoft xGYq10 Apr 15

Yes, same and even have friends in the same situation

crentis Apr 15

It feels bad. Last time I was interviewing I only applied at like 5 companies, and got interviews at 3 of them and ended up accepting an offer at the one I was most excited to work at when I started applying. Now I can barely get even recruiter calls after applying at dozens of companies. Not even a rejection email 90% of the time. Dispiriting when you've spent hundreds of hours interview prepping. Even most startups offering half my current TC where I applied mostly for interview practice haven't responded.

Amazon gMDv46 Apr 19


IBM HHzu43 Apr 20

Just curious what’s ur TC. I have been feeling like I am underpaid. I am at IBM first job out of college. I have been with them for 7 years. My TC is 160k bonus 7k But the good thing is I am at research and my WLB is very very good. I can work 2-3 hours a day. Go skiing or even in another country for a week and nobody would say anything.

Oracle Benj_Const Apr 16

Will only get worse. Too much supply.