
Is the tech stack knowledge in internet company relevant in a SAAS company?

Just curious, if working as a web backend engineer (using technology like django, node.js, Postgres ), are these technology transferable to a SAAS company like salesforce or twilio? Do SAAS companies only look for engineers with similar skillset and tech stack? And what tech stack is SAAS companies like salesforce and twilio using? TC: 0 (not graduated yet) Thanks. #software #swe

Google cidr May 26, 2021

the tech stack you are referring to are typical startup stack, IMO they are very valuable in early stage startup, no matter consumer facing or enterprise facing.

charlink1 OP May 26, 2021

Thanks for your input. I always thought that a lot of SAAS companies have very different tech stack. I wonder will any web front end technology (react, angular, vue) be relevant in SAAS companies?

Twilio Union May 27, 2021

As Google mentioned, exact same tech stack will help for early stage startup. Other than that being able to adopt fast and apply learning from past experience to a new stack will be more valuable for many mid or late stage startups