Is there a hiring freeze at Disney Hotstar?

Was interviewed for a role at Disney Hotstar and cleared 7 rounds (4 technical, 1 hiring manager, 2 bar raisers). HR never provided any feedback over the performance and after 7 rounds went into hibernation for 4 weeks now and is not answering to calls or emails? Wondering if there was something grossly wrong with my interviews or has the company entered into a hiring freeze? Yoe - 10 Tc - 100k

eBay gsnwp1 Dec 13, 2022

Disney has bar raisers too like amazon? Lol

Microsoft Professor6 Dec 18, 2022

Why do you want to join hotstar from Uber? Isn’t Uber a better recognised brand?

Uber x!123 Jan 26, 2023

Sorry didn't see your comment before. Uber is a bigger brand but has no work-life balance. Plus, in many ways, I just think Uber leadership doesn't know what they want. it seems they just keep betting on a roulette to make decisions. Everything is very uncertain at all times, regardless of the market scenario. No clear guidance or vision. Many teams (like mine) are always told the value we generate and how important the work is , but it never reciprocates in terms of increasing the team or overall professional and skill development of the team members.

Zeta mkbl377 Jan 26, 2023

In the same boat as you OP! I also cleared the loop, there’s been headcount discussions going on, as informed by recruiter to me. Hopefully they will be come back in first week of Feb (tentatively)