
Is this a valid Microsoft job Req website?

Hi, A friend got contacted by a recruiter who sent me this microsoft job req - Given this is not from their career portal website, I am not sure if this is a phishing website or not. Can someone please confirm?

Taylor Farms Muut Jan 31

Not clicking that

Microsoft teamboy Jan 31

Icims looks legit. Even Amazon used it once.

Workday bloloi Jan 31

Icims is a legit TA management software Why msft is using this for some REQs?? Idk makes no sense lol

Microsoft ButaneStff Jan 31

all open jobs are on the MSFT career site.

LinkedIn hallaboll OP Jan 31

Yes, thanks for sharing. But i just wanted to ensure if the icims website is not a phishing one.

Microsoft TDevMan Jan 31

Icims is internal site

LinkedIn hallaboll OP Jan 31

They should definitely change the url. Looks very phishy especially when sharing with external candidates.

Microsoft TDevMan Feb 1

they shared by mistake. It’s not the normal process