It’s crazy how much time I get back when I’m sober

I’m a high functioning alcoholic. When I’m drinking, I’m drunk every other day until I fuck something up and got sober for a month or so. I know it’s addiction and bad for my life but addictions are what they are. 2 things always stand out. 1. The fog is gone. After a couple days and increasing for a couple weeks I can feel a greater and greater sense of the clarity, and just.. “the fog is gone”. 2. I get so much damn time back. The drinking itself takes a few hours every day, I generally sleep an hour longer, and I generally take an extra hour getting ready due to hangover symptoms. I can workout, play games, take care of chores AND have several extra hours back; every day. It feels like a super power Anyways. It’s neat.

Google sortie Mar 26

Hiring bar. But happy for you op.

Microsoft badsignals Mar 26

Lol what the hell kind of comment is this even? There are tons of functioning addicts, and there are addicts who perform better than you at LC interviews, and some who perform worse than you, so the hiring bar point is irrelevant. No but seriously touch grass lol.

Amazon Blartughle Mar 26

Bro probably runs circles around you even a mickey deep

Tesla djcjcie Mar 26

Is this supposed to be some sort of revelation or something?

Oracle liber@l Mar 26

Coming outs are getting weird.

Pacific Premier Bank CkQW73 Mar 26

Good for you! I hope you stay on your sober journey and continue to realize the benefits that come from an alcohol free life.

Google QGmL20 Mar 26

Have you found an AA meeting?

Google DisStress OP Mar 27

I would be open to it but the over the top religious aspect puts me off.

Google QGmL20 Mar 27

Hm, I'm not involved myself, but I have a few atheist/agnostic friends who are part of AA. They tell me that they see the religious aspect as admitting that there are things (like drinking) they can't control. Basically that there is some "higher power" (whether that be God, nature, or human evolution) controlling those things. That said, I'm sure there is a lot of variance in the meetings and that you might find some that adhere to a specific religion.

Palo Alto Networks FNHB68 Mar 26

Alcohol is poison. There’s no upside at all. Believe it or not, you CAN be social without booze. And it does not relax you - it stresses you, in a compounding way.

Meta JgyF34 Mar 28

No, there is upside. Stop spreading misinformation.

Crosscreekhospital UrtB54 Mar 28

Agree with Meta here

rogerducky Mar 26

It’s to be expected. Alcohol is a poison, so it affecting performance isn’t a surprise. Congrats on getting out of the fog nevertheless.

DoorDash vbdubd Mar 26

I miss those days that being sober felt like being drunk. I’m too old for that now Let me know if you ever need to talk to someone

Microsoft hY74hCi Mar 26

Please take care of yourself and join an AA meeting every day. Do it for you and your family and friends

BfWr37 Mar 26

Please join AA. Reach out to yout physician. Withdrawal symptoms may be quite bad, including a heart attack. They have meds when you go through withdrawal to help you do it in safe manner. Good luck 🍀 ps saw a longer time high functioning alcoholic go through this. it was a little scary how much effect alcohol has on our health

Intuit QGfW80 Mar 28

This . Quitting alcohol is great but it can be lethal as well without medical help. Please talk to your doctor.