[Poll] Roast and feedback on ~1.5M Portfolio

Total Cash: Total Stock ~ 800K : 800K Age mid 30's Details: Cash and cash like assets: 75K CDs: 750k @ average 5% GOOG: 300k APPL: 175k S&P500: 35K Vanguard Target Retirement: 285 #tech

37 Participants
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Amazon ohdbdj9 Feb 3

Why are you holding 750k cash? Planning to buy a home!

ex-Google lmslms OP Feb 3

it was in anticipation of rate increases. DCA into S&P500 now?

Amazon ohdbdj9 Feb 3

Yep! Or any ETF like VOO, VTI, QQQ, SCHD etc

Uber Broglie Feb 3

Way too much cash, way too much in handpicked stocks.

ex-Google lmslms OP Feb 3

those were RSUs, any recommendation now?

Meta bossduck Feb 3

Diversify max 20% total for all single stocks for investments. 50% S&P 500, the rest in other index funds of your choice. Keep 6-12 months cash emergency fund, lump sum 50-75% of cash and CDs in the %ages I mentioned, DCA the rest of the money weekly over a 6-12 month period.

Expedia Group Prestige™️ Feb 3

I hope that 800k cash is Atleast in HYSA

TripAdvisor vgSdf Feb 3

VTSAX n chill

Amazon hkjdv Feb 3

Perfect time to deploy cash into Bitcoin just before the halving.

Google GameCube Feb 4

Too much cash homie