Tech IndustryAug 31, 2023

Java concurrency in interviews

When dealing with multi threading questions in interviews, what should be our ideal answer. I have never used multithreading explicitly in my past projects and Iโ€™m comfortable with the basics like : ways to create threads, synchronization, locks, wait, notify etc. There are some advanced concepts like executor framework, am I expected to know all of these? Have an upcoming Tech round at Walmart and I heard they mainly target Java trivia. TC : 25L Yoe : 2.8 #tech

Informatica lnformatic Aug 31, 2023

How are you managing your threads creation and concurrency if you're not using executors?

๐Ÿ’žForever Aug 31, 2023

Yes. The Executor framework is like 101 in Java concurrency. It won't take more than a couple of days to learn this. Please do it.