Tech IndustryJan 15, 2020

JavaScript & FAANG Interview

Hello guys, I usually see proficient in Java or C++ in most SDE/SE requirements at Amazon or Facebook job postings. Thought FAANG companies didn’t care about using a particular programming language? Can I apply for those roles and do the interview with JavaScript? Cheers.

Roku MaIeficent Jan 15, 2020

Yes u can

Strife OP Jan 15, 2020

Even with this requirement?

Roku MaIeficent Jan 15, 2020

Sure u “can”. But sorry I was just being pedantic with ur words. More seriously, that is what I was expecting. Java/C++/C#. What they really mean is proficient in OO programming language. Don’t they have front end job listings for JavaScript. Also if u r swe, learn at least one solid OO language:)

Northrop Grumman GGNOREzzz Jan 15, 2020

Amazon didn’t care. Python/Java whatever...

Strife OP Jan 15, 2020

Northrop Grumman GGNOREzzz Jan 15, 2020

I did SDE2 all in Java. Recruiter never mentioned objective-c which is almost an irrelevant language now anyway

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 15, 2020

You can do it what ever language you are comfortable with, as long as you can Leetcode hard

Google 6Feet6Inch Jan 15, 2020

Yes you can! All the best!