NewAdmin .

Judge this full stack coding OA

Just took a 2 hr coding assessment of a no-name startup. The Q's are 1Q - 5 min pretty simple 2Q - build an API, post and get endpoints and implement pagination (cursor) 3Q - develop a react autocomplete on search bar component getting the data from API with loading bar styling while fetching the results from scratch. I was unable to finish it as my experience is 1 year (couldn't finish even after searching on google) and also they're looking for 3 yoe. But people with 3 yoe out there is this assessment doable in 2 hours? If not why are the companies having this kind of assessments? What should I do in the next 2 years to be at that level. TC : 🥜 #engineering #software #swe #coding #assessments

Google leetoryeet Jan 5, 2021

This is pretty reasonable for 2 hours for take home assuming you're allowed to reference online material and vague domain knowledge (1.5 YOE) This varies from fairly easy to brutally difficult depending on well you understand algorithms (if you're implementing the autocomplete)

Admin . OP Jan 5, 2021

cool, looks like I need to level up then. Thanks

Google leetoryeet Jan 5, 2021

Also, learning how to achieve something complex like this with the smallest amount of actual effort or code written is important, practice customizing existing code to fit your purposes

Microsoft serverful Jan 5, 2021

TBH 2-3 hours is a sweet spot to judge how much dev you have done before. If this was days, its useless to judge. Everyone will have the exact same implementation. Having said that don’t lose hope, it’s a great failure if you did fail. This probably a great question you are asking yourself. Good luck!

Admin . OP Jan 5, 2021

Got it. Thank you

Google leetoryeet Jan 5, 2021

Agreed, you asking this question and focusing on how to better yourself is the single most important step in the right direction