Tech IndustryJul 25, 2019

L6 PM/EM @ Google vs Low balled L6 TPM offer

Hi I have an L6 TPM offer from Google at $410k. ($200k 20% $600k GSU 80k sign). For the L6 panel - the L8 interviewer gave "StrongHire" and L7 interviewer "Hire" score. the packet was very solid (i know from internal sources). The TPM L6 offer comp is very low compared to my current $500k+ TC ($600k+ at cliff). Considering changing ladders to EM/PM as I did both functions in past/present for many years and have few questions: 1-Anyone with a similar experience of such a low TC offer @Google? If I add a leadership role scope to the L6 TPM should it open the merit range? 2- What rounds should I expect for PM or EM. 3- Is coding round a must in EM? I have a lot of coding experience however currently at a much higher managerial function that has SWE and other functions. If so, Is it at LeetCode hard level? 4-Is $500k attainable at EM L6 or PM L6? I have a good grip on large scale system design, software engineering methodologies/Agile, Data structures/Algorithms and working hard to solidify the product part. Don't have competing offers (didn't try) Tagged FB folks that might have gone through a similar process. Yoe 15+ TC $500k+

Uber たべましょ Jul 25, 2019

Might have went? $500k TC?

Cadence Thanos. OP Jul 25, 2019

Added $s...

Facebook euena Jul 25, 2019

Why to move? Looks like you can make more at your current place. About your questions: EM at lvl 6 will include a coding round. TC can reach $500k (source- I did it myself)

Cadence Thanos. OP Jul 25, 2019

Thank you, how would you assess the coding round? LC medium/hard/easy? The reason to move is to join newer technologies and stay more relevant in the market for the long run

Facebook euena Jul 25, 2019

I had LC medium. I don't think you'll work a new technology in Google. Most of their systems are very old.

Google OAoK43 Jul 25, 2019

What does a TPM do?

Cadence Thanos. OP Jul 26, 2019


Google OAoK43 Jul 26, 2019

Seriously. I am not very familiar with the role - just curious.

Yahoo genius_2 Jul 5, 2020

OP, what did you end up doing? Did you join Google?