Tech IndustryJul 18, 2021

L7 Behavioral Interviews

I’ve been an ICT5 at Apple for a few years, but my team doesn’t have scope for ICT6, recently started exploring external opportunities. Currently in discussion with recruiters on some L7 IC roles, my question is what are interviewers’ expectation for behavioral rounds, like hiring manager and cross-team managers? I can think of something like culture fit, in-depth discussions, maybe assertive as well, anything else? YOE: 18 TC: 700k #google #facebook #airbnb

Microsoft saladd Jul 18, 2021

To be frank, L7 IC roles are most likely a foreign land to many on this app. But I’d like to follow this thread just in case.

Cummins Bhagwa Jul 18, 2021

I'd like to shamelessly tag along

Facebook -Grogu Jul 18, 2021

How big is your scope? A lot of things can only be acquired by actually doing it. Examples: pitching technical concepts to senior leadership Using technical argument to justify HC increase Negotiating solution space with XFN leads Presenting risk mitigation plan in high profile progress reviews Making fundamental architectural decisions that have impacts in the tens of millions, or very broad XFN impact Making hiring roadmap with director + and manage department competency matrix Some of these overlap with Sr. EM and Sr TPM scope, but this is what they will be looking from you when they are selecting partners. They will never be as up to speed on the technical as the lead IC and these are some of examples they lean on the lead.

Apple mbz OP Jul 18, 2021

Thanks! Appreciate this. I’m the final goto person for a well known Apple service’s all infra related stuff, team size is ~50. Did or frequently doing some of the above examples, except the hiring part. Btw, what’s senior leadership in FB’s context?

Facebook -Grogu Jul 18, 2021

In the context this can be loosely defined as having a scope of 2000-5000 FTE or more. Someone who has little patience and short attention span.