Tech IndustryNov 29, 2021

Large corps vs Start-ups

Q. Is it better for your career (and subsequent financial independence - FIRE) to work at a large tech company like FAANG or choose a smaller company like a startup? I ask this in the wake of Twitter getting a new CEO who joined just 10 yrs ago - when Twitter had less than 1k employees. That kind of career acceleration isn't possible at bigger firms Plus, there was this talk given by Prasanna S - co-founder of Rippling, where he said that working at hyper growth companies is like compressing 30 yrs of industry exp into 5-10yrs. The exposure, learning, and contacts you can make is crazy high. So, is it that most of us who are working towards FAANG and all are missing the point. Are we missing the forest for the trees - sacrificing great opportunities at start-ups just for a slightly higher comp, safer, less risky job now? It's pretty obvious that the kind of impact we can drive in start-ups is way more powerful than in large corps. Whats your say?

Microsoft hxNN04 Nov 29, 2021
