Leetcode at reddit?

Curious if Reddit uses leetcode for iOS interviews? Anyone wanna share their experience?

mint_tea Jan 30

Yes. On LC you can search questions by company. Searching reddit will show you what you want to know. From there you can sort by questions asked by reddit in various time windows.

Reddit fkyrhndv Jan 30

I’ve never asked leetcode but dunno

Meetup iyBw58 OP Jan 30

I guess maybe it’s team dependent. I just know the interview prep sheet recruiter sent out includes leetcode so idk either. Might as well prepare for everything …

Meta VrlA48 Jan 30

There will be both leetcode and ios live coding rounds

Reddit open_sesme Jan 30

I ve never asked Leetcode

Meetup iyBw58 OP Jan 30

Oh ok. It’s confusing because when I spoke to the recruiter, she said it’s domain specific but then I got an interview prep sheet and it emphasizes leetcode for mobile engineering.

Reddit old.reddit Jan 30

Most likely team dependent because I never asked leetcode as well

Amazon jU67mm Feb 8

How’s Reddit these days?

Reddit snoobody Jan 31

It's team dependent. Web front end roles almost never have leetcode. Backend teams are more likely to. Unfortunately I'm not sure about mobile.