LinkedIn Premium

How much does LinkedIn premium really increase your chances of a recruiter at a top company reaching out to you for an interview?

Amazon Insomzonia Aug 11, 2018


eBay YAgV34 Aug 11, 2018

Sucks, I tried it no difference

Northrop Grumman 6'5Merican Aug 11, 2018

I do like being able to see who's looked at my shit though.

Google topCon Aug 11, 2018

Don't flush.

Amazon HOIQ61 Aug 11, 2018

I got my job through linkedin premium! Recruiter contacted me for the job.

g1ad0s Aug 11, 2018

No difference, I haven't noticed any increase in inbound recruiter enquiries with or without it

Vistaprint GSLh24 Aug 11, 2018

Maybe I'm confused on what LinkedIn premium offers, but why would that help you get more recruiter inquiries? All the recruiters have LinkedIn premium so if they wanted you they would already be reaching out to you wouldn't they? Maybe there's a difference between devs and other roles though.

Dell snoo Aug 11, 2018

If you select that you are open to new opportunities, yes I personally noticed the increase in recruiters contacting me. And many were for decent positions that I would have considered. I got an offer as a result of one such interaction leading to on site interviews etc. but went with a different company.

Dell snoo Aug 11, 2018

That said... the advice in here is good too:

Vistaprint GSLh24 Aug 11, 2018

You can note that you're interested in opportunities without premium

Woluxi katch22 Aug 11, 2018

I found LinkedIn Learning (Lynda) quite helpful that comes bundled with LinkedIn premium not the job search product per sé.

Autodesk vWKg60 Aug 11, 2018

I got my job while on LinkedIn Premium - a recruiter reached out to me. It probably depends on the role, though.

Dell Rorschach Aug 11, 2018

Useless. I subscribed to it when I was jobless. It still throttles the number of messages you can send in a day. So what’s he point of premium then?