PoliticsJun 6, 2019

Lol - did he actually solve immigration?

> Mexican and US officials are discussing deal that would dramatically increase immigration enforcement in Mexico w/National Guard, and transform asylum rules across entire region by making applicants seek refuge in first country they arrive to https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-reports-headway-in-us-mexico-talks-on-migrants-but-renews-tariff-threat/2019/06/06/bb0801e4-8860-11e9-98c1-e945ae5db8fb_story.html

Mexico aims to avoid tariffs with potential deal limiting migrants going north, allowing U.S. to deport Central American asylum seekers
Mexico aims to avoid tariffs with potential deal limiting migrants going north, allowing U.S. to deport Central American asylum seekers
Washington Post
Intel Act2016 Jun 6, 2019

If he had help he could. We could. Dems don’t want success

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 6, 2019

Unfortunately true, but this does seem like a really good outcome. Seems like it’s an essentially overhaul of Central American asylum system which is pretty big

Amazon broke&dumb Jun 6, 2019

This alone significantly increases the chances of Trump's re-election

Amazon SeekingHLP Jun 6, 2019

Let’s add some details - There are two issues. Current LEGAL immigration system is broken, and there are people who will have to wait 20+ years for green card, have a hanging sword on their head if they want to buy home and raise their kids in US, can’t change job and many more. We need a point or merits based system - even Canada has it. US is worse than Canada in legal immigration policy, that makes me sad. Second part is how to stop illegal immigration, and what to do about those 12 million illegal immigrants who are living in US. It seems both parties wants to solve 1st problem but can’t agree on 2nd so they are not solving both. Coming back to news, yes it might help reduce the aggravation of 2nd issue but is no way close to Solving it.

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 6, 2019

Seems to be a pretty big deal from the WaPo article. If the overhauls the asylum system so that they have to take ask for asylum in Mexico and not walk through Mexico all the way to the southern border then that’s big step

Wells Fargo aggie Jun 6, 2019

If both parties wanted to 'solve' any problem they would have already. Solving #1 isn't lucrative. Solving or pretending to solve or just discussing #2 is much more politically lucrative for both sides

Microsoft summ Jun 6, 2019

I don't see how that helps. You do know we've been pressuring Mexico with this many times, right? For decades. And they have done pretty much the same they'll do right now, sending more border patrol sporadically. Key difference is that previous presidents would usually not cry loudly to all media outlets about it. So chances are you'll see the same results. A medium decline for the following month or two, and then the usual steady incline. The asylum thing is even better for illegals, USA will deport people to Mexico, they'll get temp shelter, and pretty much a second chance to try again to cross the border.

Lyft ihb47 Jun 6, 2019

I’m sorry what previous president levied the threat of the tariffs in the negotiation? I missed that

Microsoft summ Jun 6, 2019

Oh, no one was as stupid as to go with country wide tariffs, nor did they address a country with such hostility. Past administrations had better tact, though admittedly more sleazy tactics. Usually they held a summit with Mexico and coincidentally after it ends, Mexico now deploys military over the southern border, or it even puts more wall at Mexico's southern border, like what happened under Obama. All that to please whatever administration was in turn, and later Mexico just dropped funding the militarized border.

Netflix ye651t Jun 6, 2019

If we perceive the problem is refugee asylum seekers applying at the borders, then yes...Trump may minimize that. That’s a very visible hot button election issue for the GOP. But that’s not really our “immigration problem” now is it? It’s aesthetics and ergonomics for the conservative folks. Certainly the volume of this kind of migration needs to be regulated and doesn’t scale without a financial, social, and political cost. Look at the sour mood in Europe after the collapse of Syria for instance.

grWk56 Jun 6, 2019

If Americans stop taking drugs illegal inmigration would be reduced by 100%. Drugs generate violence, violence generates forced displacement, forced displacement makes people move away from their countries. Why not fixing that first then? It is easier to blame someone else for your own problems.

Lyft ihb47 Jun 6, 2019

Dude your conflating immigration with drug trade I mean there’s some overlap but boy you’re just wrong in the sweeping generalization you make

Intel D’s🥜 Jun 7, 2019

Yeah, but I get my weed from {Ted} who has a WASP buddy {John} in CA growing the weed. I wouldn’t even know how to get my weed from an illegal, let alone someone who isn’t white with a middle class background. Oh wait, I remember I did meet a Swede chick on a pot farm once. You’re right - those damn immigrants.

Google wHtB0a Jun 6, 2019


Amazon Coatl Jun 6, 2019

So the US government who has more resources and less corruption is not able to reduce the immigration flow, but the Mexican government will? No pos sí.

Lyft ihb47 Jun 6, 2019

Well logistically it’s much more efficient to turn away in Mexico southern border which is of course much smaller possible areas For crossing

Microsoft 🎰 pawoler Jun 6, 2019

Go into your safe space and repeat: Orange Man Bad!

Amazon Coatl Jun 6, 2019

Also, this is not something new under Trump, Peña Nieto did a similar thing to please Obama several times.

Netflix ye651t Jun 6, 2019

It just doesn’t have that authoritarian strong man vibe when you say it that way.

Microsoft carotheft Jun 7, 2019

Like many other things, he is getting it done! Like on all occasions, the press and the TDS patients are in an infinite loop explaining to themselves how: 1. It is bad for America; 2. Not much was done to begin with and 3. How Obama was doing something remotely similar anyways. MAGA! 🇺🇸