
Looking for a job

Hi everyone, I am graduating in December with a Master’s degree in Statistics. I have always love to do something with data especially big data since my training with IBM, that’s why I switched from Math major to Statistics. I have some good exposure to programming. I would to love to get a Data Scientist role and would appreciate any recommendations or help toward achieving my dream. Thank you!

Amazon Kthak_Back Sep 13, 2021

You will want to try and get an internship. There aren't any entry level DS roles out there now. Where are you located now? That may help you get into some companies that may not need as much experience.

W005 OP Sep 13, 2021

Thank you! I’m currently in ND, but I’m willing to relocate.

Amazon Kthak_Back Sep 13, 2021

You can look at companies in MN then. Allianz Life are hiring DS people with less experience right now. I would check them out. I would focus on that state for the time being. After 2 years of experience, you can move on to a better company.