Looking for fully remote roles

I am a senior associate application engineer at Discover. There was recently a merger with Capital One announced and I am not feeling very secure at Discover. I am looking for a referral to a fully remote role that is preferably at a fintech/finance company. TC 120k YOE 3 #referral #atlassian #ford #microsoft #reddit

Exeter.A Feb 20

Fully remote roles are quite rare. Try to keep your job as much as you can if it's remote.

Discover Financial Services swe76 OP Feb 20

I’m good to look for fully remote roles instead.

Brandwatch kurapica Feb 27

I started a daily email with the latest remote software engineering jobs sent to you everyday. Partially to fill an itch when I was looking for a job, but I’ve been sending it to other peeps who have found it useful. All of it is directly from company sites, some of which don’t get posted to job boards. No outdated or reposted jobs. If you (or anyone else here) is interested in it, do send me a DM!