Houzz shares.

Would you accept shares from Houzz, pre-IPO, valued at $120,000, as a major component of your compensation package? This is in the context of a similar base salary, but with shares or stock options amounting to three times your current compensation.

32 Participants
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ServiceNow jDOY21 Apr 3

I can't even decipher what you're trying to say.

PayPal what…? Apr 3

There are many zombie startup former “unicorns” like Houzz and Thumbtack that never were able to go public and now they are just shambling on. If it never became hot enough to IPO during the last 20 years, why would it become hot enough now? Unless those companies come up with a compelling AI story with the ability to execute it, I’d stay away from equity in them.

PagerDuty aheadofyou Apr 3

No. It will never ipo