Which will pay better in 2025? I want to get really good in these skills. What does market value more? Please comment if you have interviewed recently for these roles or are in these roles.

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Microsoft the king 👑 Feb 24


mFtQ80 Feb 24

True DevOps is probably more valuable and transferable. If it's just infra then it's not as useful. DevOps should be writing and deploying their own software.

Flowspace lWSB40 Mar 12

This is only transferable at startups and Amazon specifically, otherwise most places don't allow the "you build it you run it" culture. Developers deploying to and having access to production is counter to the Security/Risk Management pricipal of "seperation if duties."

Google state 🌲 Feb 24

BLACKOPS pays pretty well, will always have a job

Amazon pwgysj1 Feb 24

What exactly is mlops? What skillsets or tech knowledge is needed?

MLE* Feb 24

They’re the same. Mlops is devops applied to ML