
MS or leetcode and projects

Recently moved into software from Mechanical engineering (have a BS in ME from top 10 engineering school). Would my time be better spent getting an MS in CS (OMSCS) or doing projects and leetcoding? Would like to move to a higher paying position in the next year or two, but could hold off to finish the degree. Thoughts? TC: 105 #software #swe #MS

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Apple BJvG20 Apr 21, 2022

I think both MS and leetcode. Don’t need projects

Capital One tbej8473J Apr 21, 2022

I did both while working full time but I have background and BS in CS, if you are transitioning fields the ms might be more useful to help get in the door at companies. You can finish within 2 yrs if you take 2 courses each session, and I would focus leetcode maybe your second year and start applying after you feel ready then.

Microsoft DaiX01 Apr 21, 2022

Leetcode to get the job MS to keep the job. You need both. I transitioned from engineering to CS by doing the same MS degree. I leetcoded to get the job, but I would have struggled a lot in doing my job if it wasn't for the fundamentals learnt during MS degree. You are actually in a good position since you already have the software job. If the current job is chill, start an MS and LC on the side, and may be jump ship to FAANG in a year.

HP SaucyTacos OP Apr 22, 2022

Any course recommendations that taught those fundamentals?

Microsoft DaiX01 Apr 22, 2022

SDP, SA, Database class, Operating systems, information security, computer networks, and last but not the least the Graduate Algorithms