Machine Learning Engineer Referral

#engineering #datascience #machinelearningengineer Hi everyone, I am a machine learning lead in my current company I'm looking for referrals to other companies for machine learning engineer positions or data scientist positions that develop ML models I would appreciate you drop a comment so I can DM you my information. Thank you very much. YOE: 12 years TC: 285k #machinelearningengineer #referral #hiring #jobhunt #engineering #google #microsoft #meta #walmart #tesla #doordash #netflix #ebay #amazon #databricks #slack #paypal #facebook #twitter #dropbox #amazon #atlassian #instacart #square #twilio #faang #datadog #snowflake #rubrik #stripe #lyft #uber #spotify #apple #robinhood #yelp #linkedin #apple

Meta JDAU73 Apr 14

DM for Meta

Wells Fargo 0duration OP Apr 15

DMed you, thanks

Atlassian rban9451 Apr 14

Dm for Atlassian

Wells Fargo 0duration OP Apr 15

Thanks, DMed you!

Amazon pistol Apr 15

Dm for Amazon

Wells Fargo 0duration OP Apr 15

Thanks, DMed you!