
Manager is ambiguous and sneaky

I got slightly lower rating than meeting expectations- atleast I think so. Ever since then manager has been trying to collect proof I feel. Created a recording of the meeting for the estimates Doesn’t give much feedback on face but slacks me after 1:1 and sends me messages there . This has happened twice and over small stuff. Asked me to work on another project with another manager. I feel like a pip is incoming but when I ask him he says no pip or no firing. I have a major chunk of vesting happening in April and this is making me very anxious. Should I just take fmla to avoid anything bad. But this could lead into catch 22 situation where fmla becomes the reason of firing. Also can they fire during fmla.

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Shopify 100y co. Mar 14


Basis Technologies 陳小明 Mar 14

FMLA escape?

Intuit gibli Mar 14

Slack is fine. If he starts sending elaborate emails with notes about your performance that's when you should worry

Google blindly__ Mar 14

Even if you get put on a PIP soon, sounds like it wouldn't finish before your vesting date so you should be good there

Adobe hihuku OP Mar 14

No but Adobe doesn’t have a definition of pip