
Manager sees my blind account post/message

I will be resigning soon, and due to the policy, I will need to turn in my laptop password to my manager. If the manager wants to know what I read/post on blind, he can easily request the account password through the corp-email(since he has my password). So he sees everything! I have been posting shit about the team and also where I will be heading next. What should I do? Can blind app help me to overcome this? #tech #fang #blind #privacy

LinkedIn shkrcb Feb 6

Deactivate your account.

Stripe GenZL4 Feb 6

Maybe donโ€™t do that next time

Apple nobra Feb 6

Horrible advice

Verizon Media adCodeMonk Feb 6

Stripe is a loser

Amazon azmday1 Feb 6

Delete your blind account

ServiceNow jDOY21 Feb 6

You can't recover a blind password. Try it yourself.

Capital One vhydd25 Feb 6

There is no recover password feature on blind to avoid this exact situation

Meta cred5 Feb 6

I don't understand how someone would post controversial things before verifying that this is how it works

dogfoodie Feb 6

You can't recover an account just with the email. You have to use the same username and password combo as well.

Apple gr๐ŸŽ Feb 6

Is this how Blind works? This is a privacy concern. And a huge one considering it probably impacts a lot of Blind users who leave companies.

vote4pablo Feb 6

Trust me, nobody will give a shit.

Amazon VAnj78 Feb 6

And if you donโ€™t turn in your password?

Discover Financial Services chidevpro2 Feb 6

You can never recover your blind password. Happened to me when I forgot and there was no way I could recover my password , so I ended up creating a new account all from scratch. You are safe buddy

Capital One bxvsvvcqqq Feb 6

Same happened to me

Meta Mrs Rajesh Feb 6

Me too. New account was needed

Google ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟโ€๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„ Feb 6

never tell anyone your password ever. holy fucking hiring bar