Misc.May 25, 2021

Medically unfit clause at Thomson Reuters

Recently got an offer from Thomson Reuters India (Hyderabad) and came across a weird clause saying if medical leaves exceed 2 months in a calendar year, you will be terminated without pay. Does the company have a culture of laying off people during medical crisis? Any information on culture would be helpful as that's my primary concern with the offer. Pay etc is fine with me.

Amadeus b_ron May 25, 2021

TC? Position? Yoe?

Novartis abhi2739 OP May 25, 2021

Senior Lead Analyst Finance..5 years

Amadeus b_ron May 25, 2021

Thompson Reuters in general is a good place to work. But their India office is not as good as other locations. Not much technical growth although it depends on team to team.

Thomson Reuters monkzero Jun 2, 2021

TR is a great place to work. Compensation is not great but work life balance is awesome.

Thomson Reuters monkzero Jun 2, 2021

Yes have not see scenario where people are laid off anytime in the last few years

Thomson Reuters alexzzz1 Jul 4, 2021

There were layoff 2 years back but only in remote loc like UK and US. They reduced and team of 20ppl to 6ppl. Yes wlb is ok but you get to work more sometimes to deliver with poor perks and hikes in India Blr and Hyd office environment sucks.

PepsiCo _PlzFix_ Jul 2, 2022

Can you post the TC offerred?