Tech IndustryAug 3, 2022

Meta Business Engineer

Any Meta Business Engineer out there working from the NA region - How's the WLB in your org? Do you see yourself growing? Any layoffs trend particular to this role you've heard about? Thanks for your time! TC: 160K Yoe: 2 Bay area #tech #meta #BE

DoorDash ddaasshh Aug 3, 2022

What is a business engineer

IBM lua OP Aug 3, 2022

It's an SWE who also thinks like a product guy.

Meta Aug 3, 2022

Pretty much. SWE that is expected to do PM work in addition to building things. Also we’re aligned with a particular demographic of advertisers or businesses priority instead of a specific product or service. Lots of thinking about what to build instead of just how to build it

Meta Aug 3, 2022

WLB: depends a lot on what you make it. We’re our own PMs so you can do a bad job and let your work spiral out of control. You can also do a really good job managing what you commit to and keep your wlb good Growing: BE is amazing for more senior level skills. Driving alignment, setting strategic priorities, etc. you start thinking about the why and what (as opposed to just the how) to a much greater degree at lower levels Layoffs. Your bet is as good as mine. On one hand we are a niche roll with comparatively few people in it. On the other hand we are more tightly coupled with revenue and business priorities than almost any other org. We can very easily point to a very large dollar value driven by our work. One would think that would help

IBM lua OP Aug 3, 2022

Thanks for that! Gives me some insight!!

IBM HomeIander Aug 3, 2022

What kind of coding tests are in the interview?

IBM lua OP Aug 3, 2022

I just had my onsite interview yesterday. It was 2 coding rounds with pretty similar questions that are asked in any SWE role. 1 design again same as SWE 1 managerial - i felt it was slightly more intense 1 XFN - convince the interview through "tell me about a time" answers that you are not just SWE but have product knowledge.