Meta Data Scientist - Product Analytics

At Meta, do data scientists in prod analytics need to know the in-depth technical tradeoffs of experiment design regarding network effects, power and novelty/primacy effects? Prepping for onsite and unsure of how much detail to get into TC: £92 YOE: 4 #meta #datascience #interview #onsite

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Google gzfjhf Jan 19

In the States they send you example interview - see that for level of details. Do not do more since interviewers will not know more and will get confused

Meta Kuph85 Jan 19

Ha this comment is too real. You need practical mastery of these topics, but if you go beyond that and come off as a theoretical stats wizard then it’ll backfire. To be clear, you really need to sound like you know your stuff. If you come off like a lightweight on experimentation you’ll fail the interview

Apple MercurialW Jan 19

Prod analytics care a lot more about business acumen than technical. Role entails pure SQL