Meta E4 MLE team matching

I received a verbal offer for MLE E4 at Meta and currently in the team matching process. I spoke to a few teams and here's how its going/went : 1. Instagram RecSys - Was very keen on joining the team but the role got filled up by someone else. 2. FB video recommendations - still in loop but lukewarm about it. 3. FB creator distribution - still in loop but lukewarm about it. 4. FB Dating and events ranking - Didn't feel it was a good match. It's been a week (of team matching) and I haven't been able to talk to any other teams. The recruiter mentioned that no other teams have reached out. I'm feeling a little disheartened at this point. Team matching is a new process for me. How long should I keep looking out for more teams ? When would be the right time to just give in and finalize ? Are there other ways to reach out to potential managers rather than relying on the recruiter ? TC: 270k YoE: 3.5 years

Oracle Yvqz62 Nov 8, 2023

270 in the new tc?

Amazon ipcM61 OP Nov 8, 2023

No that's with my current company

Lyft secretboy Nov 8, 2023

I recently went through this and also felt like my recruiter didn’t give me a lot of good options, and didn’t give me more when I had concerns. Feels like they are trying to aggressively close the deal. You can push back, say you need them to find you a team that fits your criteria - it’s their job. Try to be more specific about what you’re asking for.

Amazon ipcM61 OP Nov 8, 2023

How long were you in the team matching process ? Any time limit that I should keep in mind ? Trying to figure out the sweet spot between exploring further vs settling down.

Oracle Yvqz62 Nov 8, 2023

New TC?

NVIDIA qXTG37 Nov 15, 2023

New TC?

Management Consulting Firm iRpY70 Nov 20, 2023

New TC??