Meta recruiter

I cleared all my interview and the recruiter started ghosting, WTF is going on? He literally ruin my life with that, what can I do now? TC250K

Bread Financial y33tc0ded Apr 9

Send an email to Mark

Toast ssf98 Apr 9

How did he ruin your life?

ByteDance shwnz OP Apr 9

I’m basically just waiting for the offer to let go the job here, I cleared all the interview and now he just vanished

TikTok itsmyhaus Apr 9

Maybe they were laid off?

Sony TC/YOE/Lvl Apr 9

Sue them

Amazon uWotM8!?! Apr 9

You have a very strong external locus of control. Try being less hysterical and dramatic and life will be better.

Amazon nnnqqq Apr 9

This is the first time I’ve heard this phrase and I love it. I’ve continually tried to shift my mindset to an internal locus of control and it’s changed my life for the better. I used to think this same exact way ‘this interviewer has the power to change my life’ and realized it made me feel powerless in a situation I had no control over.

Amazon uWotM8!?! Apr 9

Glad you like it

SoFi StillFloat Apr 9

If I communicated with my team the way recruiters communicate with candidates I would have been fired from every job I had lol

Airwallex JackenHoff Apr 9

Recruiters have 20 teams internally and 200 candidates externally to communicate with. Try working on 20 projects at once and see how responsive you are.

SoFi StillFloat Apr 9

Sometimes they do. Sometimes they do not. It depends on the company.

Microsoft taskmonkey Apr 9

What do you mean clear, you didn’t get an offer yet and you clear nothing.

ByteDance shwnz OP Apr 9

verified with the hiring manager once and recruiter informed everything was good. pending for the offer then ghosted

Google lgc Apr 9

Similar experience, recruiter at Meta are very slow for whatever reason? The literal hiring manager referred me for a role in her team and, after waiting for a week, the recruiter just sent me a standard rejection mail.

Bloomberg tdayer Apr 9

Headcount is filled. What level?

Qualtrics aimhi Apr 9

What role and level?

Shopify uuuuuuuaaa Apr 9

Recruiters are just messengers. Take the hint if the recruiter is slow to respond.