
Meta screening review

I recently went through Meta screening interview for M1. I had 1 round system design and 1 leadership. My recruiter said that I did good in sys design but didn't do well in leadership round. This was a surprise to me. Also, I have been downleveled because they arw not hiring for M2. So, now my question: 1. Is it common to get review for screening round? 2. Recruiter is recommending to share a referral and I have one but is it worth it? Given this is screening and I worry about on-site. 3. Any good recommendations to prep for behavioral rounds? Do they prefer short answers and stay to 1 point instead of sharing the meaty experience Tc: 0

Cisco whkN62 Dec 29, 2023

Watch Jeff Sipe’s YouTube videos for behavioral rounds. That’s more than enough. Make sure that your answers are in the STAR format.

ex-Bank of America devintech Dec 29, 2023

tell me about a time when you pooped but couldn't wipe your ass. how did you resolve any conflicts and overcome adversity?

Rippey AI kaihavertz Dec 29, 2023

Some ex-Bank of America guy suddenly barged in and licked it clean. No conflicts, no adversity.

Meta fo0f Jan 9

It's not about short or meaty answers. It's about being concise and providing the signal that the interviewer is looking for. If they're asking for a referral, it seems like you still have a chance for an onsite. I do individual interviews prep coaching. Happy to help. Please dm if interested in connecting.