Tech IndustryAug 10, 2020
One10 MarketingDefreptile

Microsoft Azure Specialist Interview - Feedback & Expectations?

I recently did a virtual interview with Microsoft. This is my first interview with a big name tech company. Per the recruiter, the process was going to be 3 rounds of interview followed by a decision. So I had 3 rounds back to back on the same day - the first one was a tech based role play, second was design/architecture sessions and the third was with a division leader with a mixture of situational questions and background discussion. I did good on 2 of the interviews including the one with the leader, In the the first one, i probably came across a bit nervous/ too detail oriented. The next day the recruiter asked if i can do a quick 30 min follow up session with a HM. The HM informed me he was not technical and was also fairly new to Microsoft. He really didn't seem to have an agenda, maybe he was trying to get a feel for me. Conversations ranged from his background, my experience, areas of development that might be needed for me to some situational questions. The interview went close to an hour even though we had only scheduled it for 30 mins. At the end the HM said that he would pass his feedback to the recruiter who would get in touch with me. I can't get a read on how i fared on this interview - 3+ days have passed and no communication yet from anyone yet. No responses to my follow up emails either. Is this standard fare for a Microsoft interview - Do i have to temper my expectations, given that no one has contacted me yet? #microsoft #interview #azure #salesengineer

whatdothey Mar 24, 2021

How’d it go?

Citrix Systems XUVJ45 Mar 12, 2022

Is an azure specialist a sales engineer or a sales rep? Is comp split 50/50?