Microsoft India: Promotion talk for level 60

I'm an SDE campus hire and have been working in my team since some time now(<1 year), and I feel I have been performing well. But I blank out everytime I decide to talk about getting promoted to level 60. Can someone help me figure out a way to start this discussion without sounding entitled? #engineering #software #swe #microsoft #india Edit: have been a summer and 6 month intern also at the team.

Google munnatr Nov 26, 2020

Given that's it's barely 6 months max that you joined, I'd say wait for a while. Wait till you get you lr annual feedback atleast and use it to your favour

Microsoft Samih OP Nov 26, 2020

Adding to this that I've also been a summer intern and 6 month intern at the team

Brillio DavidEliot Nov 26, 2020

2019 grad or 2020 ?

Microsoft Samih OP Nov 26, 2020


#!pro Nov 26, 2020

Deliver something meaningful and then in your 1:1 ask your manager if you’re on track to perform at L60 level. Remember: in Microsoft, key to promotions is to create broad impact, and to shamelessly ask your manager for promotion.