Microsoft Pathetic Promotion

I just got promoted to SDE 2 (61) and my raise was ~6% Is this normal? Or is it just Microsoft being dirt cheap? Blind tax: TC: Peanuts ~200K YOE: 4 yrs

Google ChronJorb Jan 3

That was the average raise for promo at G when I left. The idea is that you unlock a new ceiling, new earning potential, but don’t really get a big bump for promo.

Microsoft StdG42 OP Jan 3

so switching jobs is the move.

Google Man_Tampon Jan 3

Google peanuts is not even close to the peanut level of MS. You're basically a slave at MS.

Google topkek1 Jan 3


Rippey AI kaihavertz Jan 3

WTF it takes 4 YoE to get to SDE-2 at Microsoft?

Microsoft StdG42 OP Jan 3

I joined 2 years ago, so I am only 2 yrs at MSFT. I worked somewhere else for 2 yrs.

Snap jerry’s 👻 Jan 3

msft has some weird internal leveling system with title change only coming every 2 promo

Microsoft wABP48 Jan 3

Normal, depends on budget and comp ratio. Once you hit 63 your bonus and stock potential rise substantially, keep at it and congrats on the promotion. Promo budget was heavily limited this period, not saying this is good, but moving up a level at Microsoft opens a lot of doors for you, take the win and keep pushing up.

Google Man_Tampon Jan 3

When I went from I to II at MS I also received 🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜. You get almost no stock unless you're principal or above. MS is a 🥜 culture. Try to jump ship.

Microsoft MuskJeff Jan 3

welcome to the reality. if this makes you happy: there are many 63-64 ppl at Msft being paid same as you or slightly higher

Stripe gtyh08 Jan 3

Did you get the transparent tome stone when you reached 4 years ? I have to run away from MSFT to avoid that thing, it’s super scary to me… Back to the topic: OP ofc you should interview and leave MSFT regardless of promo. With the promo, you just get an additional reason to leave…

Microsoft spoiledev Jan 3

Thats how much they pay. If you dont like it you know what to do

Avanade tnap Mar 2

When we're you informed about promotion confirmation?