Msft Product Manager interview

Hey Blind community, I managed to secure a Msft interview which comes up soon. I’d appreciate it if I could get some insight into what to expect and how to prep. Thanks! YOE: 7 Current TC: 0

Amazon bungeegum Jan 25

Laid off from Meta?

ex-Meta enzo6 OP Jan 25

Yeah, but it was a while back

Microsoft Papa G ! Jan 25

Jai Meta di, you are hired . We have all the losers piling up here .

Meta aijskland Jan 25

Microsoft asks product sense/design, analytical, behavioral, and technical questions. Product sense/design questions are very important and tend to blend with our behavioral questions and focus around both your past experience (why you made certain product decisions) and cases (to see how you would make future decision, typically related to the product of the team you’re interviewing for). If you search glassdoor you’ll find good examples of this. We recently changed up the process to focus 1-2 interviews on analytical/technical questions. If you want, dm me and I can forward you a write up that someone had sent me about msft recruiting that was really helpful.

PayPal penpalz Feb 27

Hey can you share what the interview is like? Im in the pipeline for the principal pm role and first round is technical.

Amazon sjnsjum Jan 25

A great tool, especially if you haven't interviewed in a while is Product Alliance. They have courses on a couple of top companies including Msft. If you can afford it, I recommend

Meta ITjw58 Jan 26

Are you local in Seattle? Been trying to get a remote opp at MSFT forever and never hear back!

Amazon rocketshp Jan 30

If you’re looking for PM interview video lessons I made some free ones (sense, execution, strategy, behavioral). DM me and I’m happy to share. Recently got FAANG and startup PM offers. Good luck with your interviews!

Amazon 5643x2 Feb 14

Hi OP, how did it go?