Women in TechJun 18, 2019

Multiple offers?

I have an offer from a company I would love to join. I was not looking for change actively but a friend recommended her company and things moved fast. I have seen multiple posts on blind where an offer was rescinded by the company. It made me think if I am taking a risk by not having other options available. Also I might be leaving some money on the table by not checking out what I would have got if I tried more. I have family commitments and that makes preparing for interviews a challenge. So trying to get a pulse on what you do.

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Google rafaNadal Jun 18, 2019

Talking about OCI? Then get multiple offers. If not, multiple offers help in negotiations but aren’t necessary

Facebook rDFr58 OP Jun 18, 2019

Makes sense. Even based on polls seems that is a better option.