My wife aspires to become a project manager.

My wife aspires to become a project manager. She's on track to soon finish a project management course on Coursera, recommended by Google. Additionally, she possesses one year of experience in web development, specializing in C#, ASP.NET MVC, and SQL. Is this combination sufficient to begin seeking opportunities as a project manager? Please help with any advices. My TC 145K

The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site
The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site
Meta pndL81 Dec 14, 2023

Anything is possible. But in reality, I would say it would be unlikely. As the issue is if she applies to a project management job with her current resume as a web developer it's highly unlikely that the recruiter will pass that resume along. So Next Step: update resume to highlight project management like projects Then seek out more project management projects at work or take on those roles for existing projects. Seek some mentorship as she won't get it from her current team of devs. Then lastly, network as she'll need people to take a chance on her and having a personal connection helps a lot in that regard.

Financial Services Company sunjun Dec 14, 2023

Haiyaa Aunty Esther now wanna become a project damaged