N00b Facebook Employee needs to invest money

I need help! Never actually did any investment although I earn good money. Inputs: I live in Dublin/Ireland I currently have cash ~25k euros willing to invest I already started putting first 1k into crypto. What else should I do? Wanted to try stock market, how to start or where to go? I can save around 2.5-3k euros per month excluding the bonus months. I also save in FBs stocks. Won’t buy those. Please advice!

ServiceNow tGeq75 May 8, 2021

Get some crypto and open up a blockfi account

Amazon EIkh05 May 8, 2021

What tf is the point in crypto in the long run if no one is using it to buy stuff? Does no one give a shit about value investing anymore?

Amazon nsuns May 8, 2021

+1, it's all dollar signs. Reaching peak bubble soon (2017, anyone?) It feels like. People just buying random coins and complain that their portfolio isn't growing 20% WoW. Most also have no idea what a Blockchain even is. Tech is more advanced now perhaps, but incentive is still mostly greediness

ARM nHwMj May 8, 2021


Facebook IckdU92 May 8, 2021

My default FB has a pretty good retirement plan. In the US, theres 401k matching and after tax 401k. I assume there is something similar for Dublin or you can ask on workplace too. If you have extra money you don't know what to do with - can put in index fund or yolo crypto (or any higher risk stocks like GME) but beware you might lose it

Amazon hgbw72 May 8, 2021


Indeed gK1Rsu1G8l May 8, 2021

Look up ETFs, as they help easily diversify your portfolio. Be aware of the costs though. Vanguard ones generally have low costs, but it varies even there. E.g. Vanguard Total World https://investor.vanguard.com/etf/profile/VT has stocks from the entire world, with a yearly cost of 0.08%. It won't make you rich quick, but as long as the world economy as a whole is developing, it will grow.

Microsoft BosDK May 8, 2021

Recurring spy, qqq + buy TQQQ, soxl when market is down 10% any month. ARKs for little fun. Individual stocks - apple, amzn, msft are easy picks for next few years. Jpm, bac when they come down a bit, hopefully in a month.

Financial Service Company PPcn28 May 8, 2021

Imo you can’t go wrong with a simple three fund portfolio for the majority of your money and then have a small amount be used for riskier bets. Search up bogleheads wiki and they give a great overview of how to set things up

Google urLB33 May 8, 2021

Hey! So do you want to attain FIRE? What's the end goal and how long do you wish to lock the money up for?

Facebook HswH48 OP May 9, 2021

Maybe 50% of the money 5+ years and the other 50% within 2 years to help buy a house