NASA layoffs

How come we have billions to fund foreign governments but don't have money to pay our government employees?

JPL Workforce Update
JPL Workforce Update
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Dropbox 2023sucks Feb 7


Adobe khatitofee Feb 7

Damn all ppl who thought govt jobs are safe

Karpel Solutions Niio Feb 7

JPL != NASA NASA is having no layoffs, JPL is ran by caltech but funded by NASA basically.

Mailchimp joyuvf Feb 7


NASA uFNg47 Feb 7

Problem is that JPLers are employees of Caltech, not the government, so they can get dropped just like any other private sector worker. Still BS that Congress failed these people by not funding their jobs, when they waste SO MUCH more on foreign wars and other crap.

Google Zweig Feb 7

I would like to return the Afghanistan war and buy a city on Mars please

Amazon refkayu Feb 7

because Israel was attacked and it is an existential threat. If we do not sent 14.7B to Israel her jet fighters and Merkava tanks will be destroyed by Hamas child soldiers wielding ak47s. If Israel is destroyed, American interests in ME will be destroyed. Islamic countries like Saudi and Egypt only like America when Israel exists with it gone Saudi will bomb America. Iran who already hates America will nuke America instead.

Netflix KOcx33 OP Feb 7


Credit Karma UepE53 Feb 7

Because those aren’t government employees. They were a low bid contractor that mismanaged their contract.

DocuSign Orographic Feb 7

Before joining tech, I always wanted to work for the NASA Earth Sciences division (that’s my academic background) and the paltry salary is like a kick to the nuts when you’re literally doing such important work in the realm of climate change. It’s almost like the economy is set up to dissuade people from changing the world for the better.

nMkJ1axiom Feb 8

Similar story here. I worked at NASA JSC and Ames and left to join private sector because of low pay and bureaucracy and idiotic people hired by jobs programs. NASA stands for -: not a science agency