WFH & RTOFeb 11

Navigating RTO overemployed

Currently work 2 jobs in VHCOL. J1(Google) requires 3 days RTO and J2 is fully remote. I have to be online during meetings for J2 but I also have to be in office on certain days. My schedule has conflicts in that I will be doing other company work in-office. What are the odds that J1 will notice J2 work communication, mainly through Slack, and get me fired? J2 is not a competitor to J1. Slack communication is encrypted from what I know so I should be fine? If not, I may need to go to a coffee shop to take J2 meetings. New grad. TC: $520k

Visa techie_v Feb 11

Doing this right now and getting a third

CPOInCA Feb 11

Be prepared to be unemployable. XxPt21 Feb 12

@CPOInCA what do you mean? Will companies blacklist for this?

Meta Fleischman Feb 11


ServiceNow ftwv Feb 11

What's your role in Google and what's the second job you're doing? Curious how you manage the work pressure/load

Google argentxz OP Feb 11

Full stack work at G. J2 iOS engineer but I've expanded scope to Android as well. Workload definitely isn't easy to manage since I'm pushing hard. Don't have a life right now on the weekdays. Goal right now is to expand scope of my L3 project and push for promo to L4 and switch jobs for upper band L4 TC.

CPOInCA Feb 12

Dude - pick one job and crush it because you easily need 40+ hours a week for each job, closer to 55. You admitted you are pushing hard and are likely not doing well at either job right now. You think your boss doesn't notice? You will burn out before you even get a chance to be considered for L4. You have zero chance in getting upper band L4 TC. Don't kid yourself. Better start applying for jobs at Target, Albertsons, or Best Buy Retail. They might be more forgiving.

Intel fatheroall Feb 11

Keep slaving your life away.

Balyasny Asset Management phellmuth Feb 12

Hey can I DM about Intel?

Intel fatheroall Feb 12


Cruise Carrrr Feb 11

Use a personal hotspot and don't use any of Google WiFi or device to do j2 work. Book some small meeting rooms on different floors to focus on J2 work on 1 hour stretches. Make up reasons to move meetings between J1, J2 to avoid conflicts. F corporations, and do what you are doing. Good luck

CPOInCA Feb 12

That's not going to help. OP will get caught.

CPOInCA Feb 11

Pretty high likelihood of being fired by both. Quit now from both before you do.

Visa techie_v Feb 12

Don’t listen to this guy.

CPOInCA Feb 12

Don't listen to Visa. He's a troll who doesn't have OP's best interests here. OP is going to crash and burn before he turns 25.

Amazon LaYwbw62 Feb 12

The entire point of overemployment is getting FAANG pay without FAANG workload mate. I'd probably just drop G if you're set on overemployment, at some point you'll burn out.

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Feb 15

Let him make some extra money while he’s young

VMware FCaS17 Feb 12

I wish you get layoff from Google

Amazon Just2Jobs Feb 12

Do not recommend. With RTO teammates will start to notice that you keep disappearing and taking calls from the phone booth or meeting room while nobody else has any other meetings

CPOInCA Feb 14

OP has delusions of grandeur.

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Feb 15

Unless you rto is on set days you can probably do this. In fact I’ve done it for a very short time. It’s hard but doable

Talix Junkie85 Feb 13

I barely have time to do one job in Cloud. TC: 550K

Google argentxz OP Feb 13

L6? I just at spear the other day and a few cloud guys I know said it isn't bad. Gemini is worse