Need help selecting offers

Currently at Amazon as L6 SDE. TC: 300k I interviewed with several companies and currently have these offers: Offer 1: MongoDB senior SDE TC: 385k Pros: the money Cons: needs relocation and the tech and stock isn’t too performing Offer 2: Microsoft L64 in power platform org TC: 380k Pros: no need to relocate; maybe good WLB Cons: less money and same level. I also heard the tech is limited to Microsoft only. Offer 3: Coinbase senior TC: 401k Pros: fully remote Cons: bad WLB and pip quota and meh benefit Offer 4: LinkedIn staff in trust org TC: 480k Pros: highest TC so far but going to be in Bay Area Cons: needs to relocate and trust org seems to have bad WLB in LinkedIn I am still waiting for Meta but they are taking forever and it seems like they are going to do E5. With current meta situation, I don’t know if I should keep waiting. #engineering #software #swe #offer #offers

116 Participants
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Nielsen trdealpht Mar 4, 2022

Interesting TC from Coinbase. 401k 🥸

Amazon pxmajikl OP Mar 4, 2022

Yeah, very confusing during discussion

burgerjo Mar 4, 2022

You know it, Blind will always vote for high$$$

Salesforce X-Amazon Mar 4, 2022

Keep interviewing? Yoe?

Amazon pxmajikl OP Mar 4, 2022


MongoDB SSlW41 Mar 4, 2022

You've been down leveled at mongo, shouldve pushed for staff. You couldve got close to 500k. What team btw?

Amazon pxmajikl OP Mar 4, 2022

It’s the replication/snapshot related team

ServiceNow zNQM77 Mar 5, 2022

Also consider higher taxes. Assuming you are in WA with 0 taxes

Meta mxz Mar 7, 2022

Could you share LI interview experience?

VMware 350ktc Mar 10, 2022

Can you please share msft breakdown

VMware 350ktc Mar 10, 2022

Expecting l64 too

Coinbase aXqc77 Mar 16, 2022

There’s no PIP quota at Coinbase 🙄

Okta fsdN2 Mar 22, 2022
