HR IssuesMay 1, 2019

Needing advice on addressing grievances

My store anatomy looks like this: 3 full time technicians, a manager, and then two owners who double as HR. The manager has found a new job and the owners aren't going to replace that role. The responsibilities of our manager have been dispersed among us, but none of us have seen a raise to compensate. All of the technicians are responsible for more than what is listed in the company guidelines, and there is no buffer between the employees and the store owners. I am feeling pretty disgruntled and would like to see a resolution. Ideally, we would get a new manager and have our regular jobs back, but if not, then I think we should get raises. The store owners set this system up and they are also the HR for our store. What should I do?

Coursera hax0rz May 1, 2019

Look for another job

Workiva SpankyG May 1, 2019

Your company probably isn't trying to hemmorage employees so you should get an offer somewhere else and renegotiate with your current company. They are vulnerable right now.

FourHrWkWk May 6, 2019

Is the store profitable? If so let the owners know you’d like to be compensated for the extra work. If they cannot, it’s likely that they can’t afford it. Decide if you want to help bring more business, or leave.