Misc.Nov 22, 2023

Netfix director loses $11 million in trading option

“Netflix director loses $11 million trading options, makes $20 million trading crypto... Netflix gives a director $55 million dollars to produce a series. He blows most of it and begins acting erratic. He proceeds to put $11 million in his personal Charles Schwab account and loses it all in $5.9 million in a couple weeks trading Gilead Sciences. He then goes and puts $4 million in Kraken to buy DogeCoin. However, unlike his stock investments, he liquidates his position for nearly $27 million. Wife then divorces him, he sues netflix, they are currently in arbitration. “ What a fucking wild ride. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/business/carl-rinsch-netflix-conquest.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/business/carl-rinsch-netflix-conquest.html)

Cognizant Freakah Nov 22, 2023

Are you the same guy who posted this on wsb?

Microsoft RJ001 OP Nov 22, 2023

Copy and carry

Zscaler VRamaswamy Nov 22, 2023

Netflix director as in a tv show director? Or an engineering director

Meta HamSaltman Nov 22, 2023

The answer is obvious given the wild ride

Microsoft findingher Nov 22, 2023

OP give me $55Million please It’s urgent

Lockheed Martin bbdj78 Nov 22, 2023

He should have just stolen that much from the taxpayers through a PPP loan like everyone else. Netflix probably has competent legal counsel unlike the worthless US DOJ

LinkedIn nightcretr Nov 22, 2023

Article paywalled

Aptiv MSFTCSMid Nov 22, 2023

At least he has money to blow unlike us at Microsoft