Tech IndustryNov 4, 2019

Netflix Jobs

How long did it take to get a call from recruiter after you applied for a job in Netflix? I have applied for couple of positions a month ago and no response till date.

QTdN03 Nov 4, 2019

Please get a job at Netflix, and then get rid of that dumb auto-preview feature!!! I don’t care how—force commit to master if you must.

Wish NfOV60 Nov 4, 2019

That's probably a bad sign. You never know though. Google called me almost 2 years after I originally applied.

Wish NfOV60 Nov 4, 2019

Coincidentally I'm interviewing with Netflix, but they reached out to me on LinkedIn rather than me applying. Don't think I'll get the job, but it's good interviewing practice.

Available! Nov 4, 2019

Why do you think you are entitled to receive response for every job application you submit? Is this the first time you are applying for jobs? Just keep applying and move on.. few will hit and few will miss.

星期一 Nov 4, 2019

U must be new here. Netflix is a FAANG company. I'm sure their response something on the lines of "we get a lot of applicants and we will reach out to you if there is a match." Meaning u could have been rejected and you may not even know.

Amazon hdieanp Nov 4, 2019

I received a response within a day so it depends. I have found their recruiters to be very prompt and professional compared to others, only other good recruiters were from FB if you are wondering. I would think its a no, but keep applying.