Tech IndustryJul 30, 2019
Spectrum BrandsuFHi01

Netflix Onsite

Any Suggestions on what to prepare for Netflix Onsite for Support Engineer role?

Intuit dtjndfj Jul 30, 2019

Read the culture deck 5 times before going

Netflix p41 Jul 31, 2019

Absolutely this.

Bloomberg SeñorEngr Jul 30, 2019

The culture deck is definitely very very important. If your interview is anything like mine, then you will likely be interviewed on problems that the team has encountered for real. These problems will clearly be a bunch of accidental complexities resulting from bad choices that the team has made. Of course the team won’t realize or admit that and will act like the accidental complexities are important and unavoidable real world problems, while they are in fact absolutely ridiculous. Then as soon as you start explaining a fix in one part of the system they will interrupt you and point to the other side of the system and ask about that without actually really thinking though your suggestions. As you suggest different technologies used in the industry, they will reject them because for some reason that you have no way of knowing these technologies were deemed to not be the best choice for them. Finally, if your design doesn’t coincide with their solutions, they will likely tell you that your background is weak without actually trying to grasp your ideas. My “favorite” part was when my interviewer insisted that a UI update should “immediately” be reflected everywhere, but a message in flight to a server was already an indication to this guy that the data was not “immediately” reflected on all of the clients yet. Newsflash, dude, data needs to travel. It’s not magical apparition that just appears on screens. The worst waste of time, honestly. I’m not impressed. Not even a little.

Spectrum Brands uFHi01 OP Jul 31, 2019

What was the position you were being interviewed for?

Deloitte Ceeker Dec 17, 2019

Still interested

Netflix Nixy56 Aug 3, 2019

Sad to read your experience, which team was this?