CompensationMay 29, 2019
Newsr. verlis

Netflix UI Engineer

I‘ve tried to do some research on how Senior UI Engineer, and Senior Software Engineer TC compare at Netflix. I’m starting the interview process soon. Are the two titles equivalent in level? TC: None (between contracts/ jobs) YOE: 6

Netflix JqDN86 May 30, 2019

There is only one title/level - senior software engineer. TC depends on your experience and the top of market rate for that position

sr. verlis OP May 30, 2019

Great, thanks for the info. Should I expect the interview process to be similar as well?

Netflix JqDN86 May 30, 2019

Yes. The interview will vary by team, but there is no company-wide distinction there. When you are hired, it will be as a senior software engineer

Salesforce AlER64 Jun 5, 2019

What’s the on-site interview like? Is it mainly leetcode?