Tech IndustryJul 23, 2022

New Grad Job (Referrals Needed) 2023

Hello Everyone, I am a new grad with an anticipated graduation in May 2023. I'm looking for roles in the Machine Learning and Data Science space that I could join right after graduation. I am currently working at an AgTech Silicon Valley startup as a Data Science and Machine Learning Intern. My job roles include tasks like designing and training computer vision models. I am also independently designing an ML pipeline using tools such as MLflow, Docker, AWS Aurora RDS etc in order to track, log and register ML experiments, results and models. Right now I'm working on productionalizing the ML models. I also previously pursued a research assistantship in the intersection of Deep Learning and Healthcare. I explored and implemented ASR systems, speech representation, speech diarization and self supervised learning techniques for audio classification. I have strong command over ML and DL frameworks such as Pytorch, Tensorflow and SciKit learn. #meta #google #apple #netflix #amazonaws #hiring #hiringmanager #dell #cerebrassystems #block #amazon #stripe #tesla #hp #nvidia #amd #metaai #jpmorgan #chase #newgrad #cruise #roblox #intel #intelcareers #machinelearning #machinelearningengineer #deeplearning #ai #computervision #speechrecognition #universityhiring #paypal #applecareer #googlecareer #samsung #

bigGkiller Jul 23, 2022

Did you Major in CS?

HaRsHa99 OP Jul 23, 2022

Yes. My undergrad major was CS and grad school degree major is Data Science.

Flagged by the community.
VMware r0b0_c0p Jul 23, 2022


NVIDIA UFC’s!@89 Jul 23, 2022

You may DM me for nvidia

Capital One blueberry4 Aug 2, 2022

May I DM for Nvidia as well? Currently at G, previously at G and C1

Sierra Wireless अंधापैसा.. Jul 24, 2022

DM for Dell