New SWE interview hell: Follow ups

Before you could knock out a couple surface level algos and have a chat with the interviewer and call it a day. What’s going on with these follow ups that go from leetcode medium to hard with 10 min left in the interviews? Happens every time now Also seems like a good way to purposely fuck somebody you don’t like. Oh they answered the question perfectly? Let’s just ask some bullshit with 5 min left and fail them.

ex-Amazon $me||ybutt Mar 26

Companies are trying to make it more and more difficult for people to join. That increases completion and makes Companies feel that they’re getting the best.

GoDaddy wirud Mar 26

Your competition is chatgpt p17qh0 Mar 26

That’s the irony - these questions are now easy for anyone that has access to chatGPT. So why test for something now even non-programmers can do?