Tech IndustryDec 7, 2020

Nextdoor interview process

Can someone please describe Nextdoor interview process for software engineer. How is the difficulty? Also can someone comment on the WLB there

Nextdoor Survivor18 Dec 7, 2020

My interview process was pretty straight forward, LC rounds and system design + hiring manager round. This is for backend engineers. Most questions were LC medium but they did ask atleast one LC hard. WLB in my team is very bad, regular 60 hour work weeks is expected.

Nextdoor aswfhm Dec 7, 2020

Which team is it

Nextdoor Survivor18 Dec 7, 2020

Lol I am not blowing my cover here by revealing the team.

Amazon baller1 OP Dec 7, 2020

Are all teams like this at Nextdoor?

Nextdoor aswfhm Dec 8, 2020

Absolutely not

Amazon baller1 OP Dec 8, 2020

Can you describe your experience. How’s ur wlb

Nextdoor aswfhm Dec 8, 2020

You can also talk to the hiring manager about the wlb.

WeWork WeDroid Dec 15, 2020

How's Android teams at Nextdoor? Any idea what the interview process is like for Android positions

Amazon amzn9 Dec 15, 2020

recently interviewed at Nextdoor. Standard tech interview process minus the Amazon's lp.

Amazon baller1 OP Dec 15, 2020

Is it all leetcode?

Amazon amzn9 Dec 16, 2020

i have not solved all lc and i did not recognize the questions but nothing that if someone practices a bit can't solve