Nike Hirevue Assesment

Hello Guys Just wanted to know about the initial 60 mins digital assessment by Nike What to expect in that interview ? Any tips on do’s and don’t s This is for an Engineering Manager role YOE: 14 #engineering #engineeringmanager #em #Nike

Sage vIJH82 Aug 28, 2020

The non manager one is mostly coding then you record yourself answering questions. It's whatever the hiring person wants to ask so treat it like a regular interview. Answer time was up to 3 minutes but again, manager role may be different. Nothing specific to prep for it beyond general interviewing skills. I've done it twice, first time questions where pretty generic (why Nike is a common one) and the second was all coding + one video question which was a non standard one I've never been asked before.

Deutsche Bank mhUC40 OP Aug 28, 2020

Thanks for the response, I am taking mine tomorrow - will update here once done

Bank of America uglyweeney Dec 16, 2020

How was it

Deloitte Minion2 Jan 14, 2021

How was the interview... have an interview to take

ibGh87 Jun 15, 2021

@mhUC40 : How was the test.? What were there.?