Tech IndustryDec 17, 2023
Amazon NoobMonkey Dec 17, 2023


LinkedIn I am a Cat Dec 17, 2023

IBM is a joke. Their last two good products were the Thinkpad and the Selectric typewriter. Thinkpad is now owned by Lenovo. Who still uses a typewriter?

Amazon layoffsftw Dec 17, 2023

At my previous job I once was told that I could get another vacancy but only if it went to a diverse candidate. I said: sure, there is an amazing Asian Candidate. The answer was: this is not diverse. Latino or Black males only. More flexibility with women.

Capital One caponetest Dec 17, 2023

That's disgusting and it's amazing how they can say it while thinking themselves as a good person

Credit Karma UepE53 Dec 17, 2023

More manufactured outrage from the right.

Amazon layoffsftw Dec 17, 2023

There is nothing manufactured about it. Nor is anyone outraged. Whites and Asians are discriminated against everywhere. This is a well established fact.

LinkedIn I am a Cat Dec 17, 2023

Only because the liberals manufactured the travesty in the first place.

LinkedIn I am a Cat Dec 17, 2023

I hope Trump 47 will ban federal contracts to companies who participate in such blatant racial discrimination.

Microsoft HJyg05 Dec 17, 2023

DEI is racism and it's adherents are racists. I hope IBM gets sued and they lose all .gov contracts.

Amazon UJMN36 Dec 17, 2023

When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.

Microsoft JDAB65 Dec 17, 2023


Meta inqt33 Dec 17, 2023

They want to be oppressed so bad

Lyft rieintnnt Dec 17, 2023

Does the percentage of Latino and Black males in Tech or with STEM degrees match that of the general US population? That’s the assumption that IBM’s CEO seems to be implicitly making.

Amazon UJMN36 Dec 17, 2023

No it does not. It's this is primarily a pipeline issue. A large % of the jobs at IBM are probably non-technical though. Keep that in mind.

Snap ODlr60 Dec 18, 2023

IBM has been a shitty company for years and no real talents would work there anyway.

Amazon poopsville Dec 18, 2023

The practice of preferring black and latino candidates to asians and white is in theory defensible. They are underrepresented. So are whites, but they are ok overall, so let’s say it doesn’t matter. What’s not defensible is simultaneous claims of “white supremacy” being a problem. In every single situation, a black or latino candidate will be preferred over a white or asian, all other things being equal. No exceptions anywhere in high tech, academia, or any other highly desirable place. The only question is how dramatically better an asian should be before the probability starts somewhat balancing out.